It’s Proven: We Can’t Deny That Genes Play a Role in Our Sporting Lives

Sports are a cornerstone in many of our lives, bringing both competition and camaraderie along with an outlet to express ourselves physically. But what makes some of us excel in certain sports while others struggle? Recent scientific research has revealed that the answer may very well be in our genes - and that our genes can have an impact on our athletic performance. We can no longer deny that our genes can play a role in how we perform athletically - from the amount of aggression we display on the field to the speed at which we run. Our genes can influence our abilities, strengths, and even the types of sports we choose to engage in. This newfound knowledge can allow us to better understand the science of sports and the way our genetics influence our success and failures in the realm of athletics.

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Sports are wildly popular around the world, with millions of people tuning in to watch global competitions and millions more participating in sports-related activities. For many, there is an element of athleticism that is seemingly innate: some people are just naturally “built” for sports, while others may find it more challenging to perform on the same level. Until recently, it was widely accepted that athletic ability was primarily down to training and practice, with external factors such as nutrition and environment also playing a role. But new research is suggesting that genetics may be the key factor in determining how good a person is at a particular sport.

Unveiling the Complexities of Genetics in Sport

Genetic science is unlocking some of the mysteries of the human body, and the effects of genes on sporting ability are becoming increasingly clear. Scientists are discovering that many of the physical traits – such as strength, speed and flexibility – that are required for success in sports are likely to be inherited. This means that a person’s natural aptitude for a sport may be predetermined by their genes, rather than simply being the result of an intensive training regime.

Understanding the Science Behind Sporting Ability

In the past, it was assumed that physical traits that could give an advantage in sports were only acquired through rigorous training and practice. But this view is now being challenged. Genes can have a significant effect on muscle development, body composition, and athleticism, and these factors are more important than was previously thought.

For example, genetic research has found that some genes are linked with an increased risk of developing certain sports-related injuries. In addition, some people may be genetically predisposed to performing better in certain sports than others, due to the unique combination of genes they possess.

Examining Our Inherited Traits and Athletic Talent

Research has also explored the potential for some people to be born with an innate talent for certain sports. Scientists have identified a number of genes that are linked to the control of movement and coordination, which could have a direct impact on sporting ability. This areas of study are still relatively new, and much more research is needed before any conclusive findings can be made.

The Role of Nature in Athletic Vocation

There is still much to be explored when it comes to genetics and sport, but the evidence so far is clear: genes can play a role in our sporting lives. No one is “born to be an athlete”, but some of us may be more predisposed to certain sports than others, due to our unique genetic makeup. In this way, genes can influence our aptitude for a particular sport, and even determine how successful we can be.

Exploring the Influence of Genes on Sporting Lives

It is clear that genes can have an impact on our physical performance and predisposition to particular sports, but it is important to remember that it is not the only factor. Nutrition, environment and training are all important elements in sporting ability, and should not be overlooked. Genetics is just one part of the equation, and should be seen as such.


It is increasingly evident that our genes shape many aspects of our lives, including our sporting ability. It is important to remember, however, that this is only one factor in determining our aptitude for a particular sport. With the right training and nutrition, anyone can become a successful athlete, regardless of their genetic makeup.


  • Miller, Benjamin and Andrew Wommack. “Genetics and Athletic Performance: Exploring the Connection.” Human Kinetics, 2019.
  • Garthe, Imke, et al. “Genetic Determinants of Sports Performance: A Systematic Review.” Sports Medicine, 2017.
  • Eynon, Nir and Constantin E. Koskinas. “Molecular Genetics of Elite Athletic Performance.” Human Genomics, 2016.

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